“I am dealing not just with my employees
but with the MINDS of my employees.”

Akira Morita,
   Founder, Sony Corporation.

Today, the world over, Management Gurus are focusing on the ways and means to bringing about an ‘attitudinal’ change in individuals. When Peter Drucker & Murphy talk about attending to the spiritual side of an individual or when Stephen Covey, talks of ‘the unconscious’ what they are telling us is that we need to address the ‘belief’ system of the individual.

Management techniques and programs give us the mechanics or the structure to effectively carry out given tasks. Organizations by and large, focus on developing skills of the individual.  In the process the focus remains in imparting the sets of skills rather than creating a strong belief in the individual that he can attain the proficiency to execute those skills.

The workshop ‘CORE EMPOWERMENT TECHNIQUE’ focuses on the belief system of the individual and effectively addresses the lacunas in the belief system and provides corrective techniques.

As the participant undergoes the training he starts questioning his own beliefs. He is now open to change. There is a new clarity in his mind. He is now in a position to identify the empowering and disempowering beliefs. He is also provided the tools to strengthen the empowering beliefs and to erase the disempowering ones and reprogramme it.

The participant is now effectively empowered to create a self transformation.

This module is based on the techniques of NLP and Psychotherapy and provides the following;


  • Provides tools to create positive changes in one’s life.
  • Delivers system to correct, improve and maintain interpersonal relationships.
  • Proves beyond doubt the power of positive thinking.
  • Solidly fixes responsibility on the participant for any event he/she faces in life.
  • Changes limiting beliefs and replaces it with empowering ones.
  • Addresses the issue of correct and effective communication.
  • Provides holistic approach to problem solving.
  • Identifies barriers to success and provides techniques to overcome it.

Benefit to the participant.

  • Manifold increase in confidence.
  • Will be eager to take initiative.
  • Will not have fear of failure.
  • Will have enhanced decision making abilities.
  • Will understand that he is responsible and accountable for any action and any eventuality he faces.
  • Will be in a position to tap into internal source of power at will.
  • Maintain and improve relationships and mend broken relationships.
  • Will be a better communicator.
  • Will be able to de-stress at will.
  • Will be able to tap into the reservoir of creativity at will.
  • Will thoroughly understand what it takes to be a good and successful human being.

Benefit to the organization.

  • Will have self motivated individuals.
  • Will have individuals with sharper decision making abilities.
  • Will have individuals who can correctly and effectively communicate.
  • Will have proactive individuals.
  • Will have individuals who can maintain relationships and mend broken relationships.
  • Will have individuals who have holistic approach to problem solving.
  • Will have individuals who understand that he is responsible and accountable for any action and for any eventuality he faces.
  • Will have individuals who will bring lot of energy to the team.

    An individual who goes through this workshop will be a changed person who will be ‘Empowered’ to achieving the company’s goals because he sees it as a stepping stone to achieving personal goals.

Who should attend?
This workshop is useful to middle level executives and managers. However it is found that it benefits all those who intensely feel the need to create a positive change in their lives but do not know how to do it and for those who need easy-to-use tools to achieve the company’s goals as well as their individual ones.
This workshop has been put together, after years of intensive research, by corporate trainer, Mr. Hemu Karkera, an Electronics Engineer and an Advertising Professional who is a qualified NLP trainer from the National Federation of Neurolingustic Psychology U.S.A. with years of corporate training exeperience.

Mr. Karkera has trained more than 20,800 people in India and abroad.  Those who have been trained by Mr. Hemu Karkera include personnel from Reliance, Tata Nelco, Nicholas Piramal, UTI, Indian Oil, Syndicate Bank, Gold Quest International Limited, Jet Airways, J. P. Morgan Chase etc. to name a few apart from professionals like Businessmen, Doctors, Lawyers, Secretaries, Industrialists, Technocrats, Management Consultants and Chartered Accountants.

Just imagine if you have a team of highly self-motivated people around you; where would that take you and your organization?


This workshop is a real eye opener. There were many aspects about myself which I was not aware of. After doing the workshop I feel totally charged to do anything in my life without the fear of failure.

Ms. Prabha Kunder

Indian Oil Ltd.

This workshop was an unique experience. I can go as far as to say that it was out of this world. This workshop brought to light the fact that there is so much power within us that once we know how to access it (as taught by Mr. Hemu) nothing is unachievable. I have been regularly practicing the techniques taught by Mr. Hemu and have found that there have been positive developments in my personal as well as professional front.

Ms. Mallika

UTI Ltd.

This workshop was truly excellent.

G. Kasiraman

Manager, Reliance Industries Ltd.

This is an excellent workshop. It is very helpful for any person at a personal level which would lead to overall development in all aspects of life.

Ms. Kameswari Kirti

Exe. Asst. to MD., Solvay Pharma India Ltd.

I would give this workshop 9 out of 10. the contents of the course were well designed. The examples given to explain the concepts and principles were beautiful.”

Ms. Swati Amin

Relationship Officer, ICICI Bank Ltd.

Thank you for the wonderful training provided. This training has brought a tremendous change in me, and people have started noticing it.

Navin Almeida

TM, J. P. Morgan Services India Pvt. Ltd.

When the perceptions of an employee change, the employee changes.
When the employee changes, the organization changes.