All of us are prone to some or all of the following emotions; Anger, Anxiety, Fear, Guilt, Jealousy, Hopelessness, Frustration, Depression, Sadness, Grief, Uncertainty, Loss, Helplessness, Confusion, Aggression, Insecurity, Loneliness, Boredom, Prejudice, Powerlessness, Panic……… at some point in our lives.

These are debilitating emotions that sap our energy and leaves a bad after taste and effect in our physical and mental systems. They also prevent us from realizing our highest potential and enjoying life to the fullest.

The good news is that all these can be minimized or eliminated.

The seed of all the above-mentioned emotions or states-of-mind is fear.

Scientists say that we are born with two fears viz; 1) Fear of falling & 2) Fear of loud noise. Be that as it may but these are not the fears that cause the above-mentioned states-of-mind. It is found that when we become aware of our presence in this world we develop Fear of Survival.

We find the world bewildering and scary. We also find that we are helpless, weak and have to depend on our care takers to feed and protect us. This realization could lead to birth of anger, frustration, sadness, low self-confidence etc.

As we grow up, how we perceive the world around us and our experience determines the birth of other states-of-mind.

In the workshop Core Empowerment Technique, you will learn and practice how to eliminate fear.

Once the seed is destroyed, all emotion emerging from it will simply crumble and vanish just like a tree will crumble once its roots are destroyed.

We will then become fearless and realize our fullest potential as there will be nothing that will be holding us back from our goals and success.